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Guest Blog From Sid: Not Too Many Conversations: A Bearable Reunion Weekend

August 19, 2011

This week’s guest blogger is Sidney Carlson White, my son. He agreed to this gig after much pleading, against protests similar to those that accompany those at events to which he has been dragged over the years—and much like my reunion weekend promised to be. Too Many Conversations turned into not enough meetings and conversations and memories. The highlight of the trip for Sid (and my father) was seeing a St. Cloud River Bats baseball game at the complex where I played most of my high school baseball. It was the substance of the trip as well. Maybe that and the fact that my parents got to see their grandson.

Our precious moment may have been the time spent at the baseball game with my dad, the three of us. It may also have been my best chance to meet some old classmates who did not bother with the other events at which I appeared. What we will do for baseball and love.

At any rate, I did have one other good moment: when looking at old newspaper clippings at the alumni house, Sid pointed out a box score that showed that I went 2 for 2 at the plate in one baseball game from my senior year. I also pointed out that I went 0 for 3 on my 18th birthday, against city rival and the school and teammates I left two years earlier, Tech High School. I guess it helps to have kids along to point out the important stuff. Here is Sid’s contribution. (See “My First Reunion” and “Too Many Conversations.”)

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Sidney Carlson White

For the record, my dad’s high school reunion wasn’t that bad for me. Dad met a total of five people from his class, at an event I did not visit (a few more conversations I would be required to endure). The next day, Saturday, was a picnic social that  was anything but—but we got an interesting and somewhat fulfilling tour of Cathedral High School. The fried chicken served needed more flavor (and salt), and the amenities of the picnic were a little kid bouncy castle, face painting, and the nearby alumni house (which was rather interesting and informative, I will admit). I got to visit a St. Cloud River Bats game, the local team. They fell to the Alexandria Beetles (good) after experiencing a 100 minute rain delay. Sadly, the game ended too late for season-ending fireworks after the game. They could not be launched due to noise ordinances.

The brunch social in the school cafeteria the next day fell to similar causes as the picnic, this time around maybe a dozen in attendance, about a third of them were high school staff. The food tasted terrible, like cafeteria food. The day before involved a golf social and an event at a local bar, both of which neither of us attended, but were most likely attended by more people than the events we visited Cathedral itself probably expected a bigger turnout (we all did), but they got what they got.

I survived the event, but you could say I didn’t enjoy it very much. Nobody was there, and there was absolutely nothing for a twelve-year-old to do. When I think hard enough, no one really seems to cater to us. Inflatable castle or tour of a high school I hadn’t even heard of until a few weeks ago. What a selection! It was a weekend of rain-outs, both literally and figuratively.

–Sidney Carlson White

4 Comments leave one →
  1. August 19, 2011 10:54 am

    Hi, Sid! —

    Sounds like a pretty boring party — haha! Does that mean you are cured of attending your own high school reunions in the future?

    I’m very impressed by your writing skills. Your dad is lucky to have you as a “guest blogger”. I wonder where I might see more examples of your writing somewhere on the worldwide web?


  2. August 19, 2011 7:41 pm

    Sid, you write like an angel. You’ll be ready for the SAT’s soon.

    David U.

  3. August 19, 2011 7:53 pm

    I only wish Sid would write more poetry. He is a great poet, but reluctant.

  4. Joe permalink
    August 23, 2011 11:40 am

    Thanks for sharing your story with your Dad’s virtual community, Sid. I hope you keep practicing your writing — you are clearly a very talented writer.

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